A Little background for this project!

When I started working on our High School web page,
for our 52nd year reunion,
I messed it up so bad that the page would not open up for anyone...
I had to contact the people that run the web site to delete everything that I had put on it,
so I could start over.
I decided to take an on line course in designing web pages....now after about 3+ months,
I have completed the course, and have all seventeen pages done.

Keep in mind that we had to do one page a week.....while learning what to do,
and thinking of something to put on the pages, to fit in with the lesson assignment.

Most are about family, and some travel.


The Latest in Bird Feeders


This is Charmaine..patiently waiting with bird seed in her hand,
until she could tempt a hungry little chickadee to land on her hand,
trust her,
and enjoy a gourmet feast!

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